Build A New Dimension Of Growth Into Your Real Estate Portfolios
Growth-oriented private real estate funds designed for financial advisors.
By the numbers1
Assets Under Management
Real Estate Funds
Powered by the Nation’s Largest Real Estate Marketplace2
CrowdStreet Advisors builds curated funds using privileged access to project flow from the CrowdStreet Marketplace.
Total invested through the Marketplace
Projects through the Marketplace
Nationwide sponsor network
Crowdstreet Marketplace Launched

1. Information provided by CrowdStreet as of June 2023. AUM reflects Assets Under Management across funds and managed accounts. 2. Information provided by CrowdStreet as of June 2023. 3. As reported by Dr. Adam Gower in Best Real Estate Syndication Platforms | Gower Crowd - UNLEASHED, published 2022, based on dollars raised by individual investors.
Rigorous Fund Construction Process

Navigate a Shifting Real Estate Market
Our Commercial Real Estate outlook examines major and niche asset classes, challenges in the CRE lending environment and potentially mispriced opportunities.

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