What asset classes may mitigate the effects of inflation? How different asset classes may help mitigate the effects of inflation.
Investing in private equity real estate How private equity real estate investments differ from other investment types.
Inflation: How can real estate be a hedge? Learn how commercial real estate can serve as an effective hedge against inflation in this video from Amna, Investment Analyst at Crowdstreet.
Steady as she goes-choosing investments that help mitigate recession risks is possible Four defensive strategies commercial real estate investors can use to weather storms and potentially stay the course
Understanding tax reporting for private commercial real estate: K1s vs 1099s In this article, we’re focusing on a commonly asked question investors have related to real estate investing and tax reporting, specifically K-1s vs 1099s.
The Four Phases of the Real Estate Cycle Learn about the ins and outs of the real estate cycle and how to make smart investment decisions. Get started now with CrowdStreet's expert resources.
What is a Preferred Return? Learn everything you need to know about preferred return in real estate. We'll explain the different types of preferred returns so you can invest with confidence.
How to Build a Diversified Real Estate Portfolio Using CrowdFunded Real Estate Discover how to diversify your investment portfolio using crowdfunded commercial real estate to assemble a diversified real estate portfolio.
How real estate investing may help mitigate the risks of market volatility on your portfolio Volatility is something every investor will face, but real estate investments may help mitigate the risks of market volatility on your portfolio.