Leveraging Diversification to Enhance Real Estate Risk-Adjusted Returns Diversifying real estate portfolios helps hedge against risks–geography, property type, and investment strategy are just a few.
Making the Jump From Single-Family to Commercial Real Estate Investing Discover why commercial real estate (CRE) offers smart investment opportunities compared to single-family real estate (SFR). Read on to learn more.
A Non-Random Walk Down Main Street: How Investors Benefit From Inefficiencies in the Commercial Real Estate Market In this article we'll show you how to make the inefficiencies of the commercial real estate market work for you. We'll walk you through several clear examples showing how savvy investor have used the inefficiencies of CRE to win big - plus we'll teach ...
What are Real Estate Risk-Adjusted Returns? A risk-adjusted return is a measure that puts returns into context based on the amount of risk involved in an investment. In this article we walk you through a detailed process for estimating relative risk-adjusted returns across various commercial real ...
Top 10 Sources of Risk in Real Estate Investment Deals In this article, CrowdStreet walks you through the ten most common sources of risk present in commercial real estate investment opportunities.
The Real Estate Development Process: Understanding the Risks and Milestones Explore the comprehensive real estate development process. Understand risks and opportunities. Start learning now.
Sources & Uses: Following the Real Estate Money Trail Here are key financial terms you need to understand to invest in commercial real estate.
What is a Cap Rate? The cap rate is a useful tool that is often used to assess real estate investment opportunities and draw conclusions across asset classes.
Leverage: The Double-edged Sword of Real Estate Finance Leverage, or debt financing, is an important and even necessary part of most real estate deals. However, as the 2008 - 2009 real estate downturn highlighted, there are times when too much leverage on an asset can be a recipe for heavy losses. So, it is ...
Real Estate Investment Strategy: Four Categories of Risk & Reward Within private equity real estate, assets are typically grouped into four primary strategy categories based on investment strategy and perceived risk.