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How to Navigate Offering Detail Pages

A walkthrough of the information provided about each deal on the Marketplace

Each offering detail page will follow a similar template so that you can easily find the information or sections you are looking for. 

At the top of the page on the right hand side, you will find the “Invest Now” button. This is how you begin an offer. If the submission window has not yet opened, you will instead have the option to “Register for Webinar”. 

Below the Webinar Registration link, you’ll find a “Key Document” section that includes the Offering Memorandum. This provides investors with a high level overview of the offering.

Beneath the Offering Memorandum  you will find a list of quick key points for the offering, such as Property Type, Location, Strategy, Objective, whether it is accepting SD-IRA investments, and more. 

Next, you will see a Questions box. This where you can submit any questions you have for the sponsor. You will also have the opportunity to ask them during the live Q&A webinar session. 

Directly below the Questions box is the capital stack. This graphic highlights the total capitalization of the project and the types of financing the sponsor is acquiring. 

Next is the Documents section. This is where all of the marketing materials, such as the webinar deck, and the legal documents, such as the Subscription Agreement and Operating Agreement, can be accessed. It is important to review these thoroughly before deciding to invest. 

Following that is the Resources section, where we include articles that may be useful while reviewing this investment.

Finally, there will be a carousel of additional pictures, either actual or renderings for the project. 

Now let’s take a look at the left hand side of the page. 

You will find more pictures or renderings of the project and the registration link to register for the live Q&A session if it has not yet occurred, or read a Q&A summary of the questions that were answered. 

You’ll be presented with a Deal and Sponsor overview, as well as the recording from the webinar session with the sponsor. 

Next you will find the “CrowdStreet’s View” section where our investments team highlights key factors of the deal. You will also find the “Key Risks and Assumptions” section, also provided by our investments team, which outlines particular risks associated with the offering given underlying assumptions.  

The next section walks you through the Deal, including a summary of the business plan, the return structure and terms, the sources and uses, a summary of fees, the debt terms, and the assumptions for exit. 

Beneath that will be a section devoted to the Sponsor, which will include their history and bios for their key principals. Investors should pay close attention to the Sponsor’s track record provided, as this is a key resource investors like to review. 

The final section before the Disclosures, is the Property, where specs are included, as well as demographic and local market information. 

We realize there is a lot of information provided. If you have any questions as you are reviewing, please do not hesitate to contact us or the sponsor. We’re happy to walk through the materials together.