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How to navigate the Portfolio page and Investor Rooms

Become familiar with your Portfolio page, Investor Rooms, and how to upload documents post-investment, if requested.


How to navigate your Portfolio page

When you invest with CrowdStreet, access to your investments is centralized within your CrowdStreet account, no matter how many different sponsors you invest with. Once you have made multiple investments, your Portfolio page will show an aggregate of the portfolio you are creating through the CrowdStreet Marketplace. Below is an overview of the information you can find on the page. 

Portfolio by the Numbers (1)

An aggregate of all your investments.

Capital Committed: Total capital committed across all accounts, not including divestments: 

Capital Contributed: Total capital contributed across all accounts, not including divestments

Capital Balance: Total contributed minus total distributed (return of capital only), not including divestments

Distributed: Total amount returned to you so far across all accounts, not including divestments

Distributions Graph (2)

Total amount returned to you so far across all accounts, not including divestments.

Allocation CHART (3)

Visualize your portfolio by property type, investment profile,  region, sponsor designation, and sponsor to help inform future investment decisions as you build  a diversified portfolio.


Download a summary of your portfolio, capital contribution data, and distribution data to share with financial or tax advisors.


View helpful at-a-glance information about your various investments by offering name or Investing Account. Sort by Investing Account or offering, and hide realized investments.  To view a more indepth Investor Room for each investment, simply select that investment. 


Quickly see all capital transactions across your investments. For reference, the types of transactions are as follows:

  • Initial Contribution: the capital you funded to secure your investment
  • Capital Contribution: any capital post-investment that you’ve sent to the sponsor
  • Return of Capital: Your contribution, both Initial Contribution or Capital Contribution, being returned to you
  • Return on Capital: Appreciation of your contribution 


How to navigate the Investor Room

Investment Numbers (1)

Capital Committed: How much you’ve committed to this deal

Capital Contributed: How much you’ve actually funded to date for this deal

Capital Balance: Contributed minus Distributed (return of capital only)

Distributed: Amount returned to you so far


Illustrates how much cash you have received from an investment over the hold period


The documents tab holds all documents related to your investment, including your closing documents, quarterly reports, and tax documents.

The transactions tab holds a list of all cash flow in and out related to your investment. 


If you have questions for the sponsor team during the hold period, submit your inquiry here. This will copy the CrowdStreet IR team, so we can help ensure a timely response is received and assist as needed. 


As an investor, you will retain access to the original detail page. If you’d like to review the original webinar or any materials that were not a part of the closing documents, you can refer back to them here. 


How to upload a document in an Investor Room

There may be times when you are asked to provide documents to the sponsor or CrowdStreet for one of your investments.

How to upload a document:

  1. Once logged into your CrowdStreet account, navigate to your Portfolio page in the upper-left corner of the page.
  2. Select the necessary investment.
  3.  Scroll down to Upload Document in the Documents section. 
  4. Choose a file from your browser.  Note: There is a 2MB file limit. If you are over the limit, you will not receive an error message.
  5. Name the document so it’s clear what it is, such as “Identification document” or “revised W9.” You won’t be able to label or categorize the document after you upload it, so take care in naming it.
  6. Upload the document. Refresh the page to make sure the document is uploaded.